Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Can a box of donut holes really make you feel better?

This has very little to do with paper & scrapping, but I just felt the need to do some venting at the end of this very weird day! I went to bed late last night, so it made some sense that I was very tired and didn't want to get out of my bed today. I was up late finishing a layout swap that I struggled with from the get-go. I finished it around 12:30 am and then went off to bed. After my daughter woke me up this morning with her little hand patting my cheek, I remembered how yesterday morning her Dad said HE would get up and fix her breakfast TOMORROW. Since tomorrow was now today, I laid in bed waiting....waiting....for that to come about. But alas, he kept sleeping. So I got up and I think it must have been the "wrong side of the bed" because I was in a mood from the moment my foot hit the floor. CRANKY!! I didn't want to get out of my pj's - even at noon when my little girl said, "Mom, you haven't taken a shower yet!" I fixed lunch for the kids and put them down for naps. That's when I hit Super Cranky Mood! Maybe I was jealous that I didn't get to take a nap. After all, I had to go the Post Office to mail out my swap box. It was a beautiful sunny day, which was such a welcome change after all the pouring rain we've had for weeks. I mailed my box & stopped at the grocery store for milk. As I turned around with the carton of milk in my hand, I noticed a whole display of donuts and danishes right there! I quickly eyed a box of Enteman's donut holes and grabbed it off the shelf. At the register I put down my box of donut holes and half gallon of milk and wondered what the cashier must be thinking! I didn't care though. I came home & explained to my husband that I was going to drown my sorrows in a box of donut holes. He chuckled and made me a cup of tea to help wash them down. And that's what I did! I very contentedly ate one donut hole after another. And you know what, I felt so much better. Maybe it was mailing out that box, or maybe it was the sunshine giving me a badly needed dose of vitamin D. But maybe, just maybe, it was those delicious little donut holes that actually made me feel better today. :)

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